Saturday, June 1, 2013

My Baby is Growing Up!

It's hard to believe that you are about to be ten months old tomorrow! You still aren't crawling but you sure are scooting like a champ! Mimi absolutely loved watching you scoot last night. She kept throwing things on the floor to get you to go after them. You are sleeping through the night and have four teeth- two on top and two on bottom. Gammy and Tara have told me I need to step or up on feeding you more table foods. This week you have eaten sliced cheese, Mac and cheese and chicken and dumplings! Tonight we went to dinner at Cracker Barrel. Daddy was about to go pay when we discovered that you had already "taken care of the check"! The pictures capture the funny moment! One more love saying "Mama!" You say it a lot and I absolutely love it! It makes my heart so happy! I am so blessed to be your momma! One more week of school and then we can spend the summer together! 

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