Thursday, July 31, 2014

I Will Get Your Attention Momma!

The other night it was storming and there were tornado warnings in the area. We decided to let you and Dax sleep with us. As the four of us lay in the bed you kept saying "Mom, Momma, Mom!" I tried ignoring you hoping you would fall asleep. The next thing I heard was "Weez, Louise" in your cute voice. We all started laughing shocked that you called me by my name. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mini Road Trip

Last Sunday we left after church to go visit Marie, JP, Olivia and Hannah. We got to see their new house. You and Dax swapped Christmas gifts with the girls and had fun playing. You were given a drum set with musical instruments! Lol! Then next morning we traveled to Danville to see your great-grandparents. We had lunch and hung out at their house. You enjoyed several Oreo cookies from Great-grandmother. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Potty Training Has Begun

This morning we said goodbye to diapers and you now proudly prance in big boy undies! You've told me a couple of times that you need to pee and sat on the toilet but nothing happened. I'm just happy that you are trying. We will see what the day holds. Hopefully you will catch on quick! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Florida Beach Trip 2014

This past Tuesday we left at midnight to drive down to Florida. Eight hours later we were at Cinnamon Beach. Uncle Keith called your dad and said they had extra room and invited us to come. It was very last minute but we did it! Your dad got to stay Wednesday and part of Thursday before heading home because he had to work. We got to spend some quality time with Uncle Keith, Aunt April, Mackenzie, Hailey, Pawpaw and Mimi. At first you were a little scared/nervous about the ocean but soon became comfortable and enjoyed playing in the water. At the pool you amazed us at how independent you were. With your arm floaties you were quite content floating on your own. You didn't want one to touch you and would quickly let us know it! You have also been VERY attached to mommy. You have to be right by my side or you scream and cry for me. It is very hard to get things done sometimes but I have to admit I love it! You are also saying more these days. Often times you say things with great expression and we have no idea what you're saying. One of my favorite things you say is "Sorry Dax."
You are also very polite and say please (peese) and thank you. You also sing your own version of Happy Birthday!