Monday, October 21, 2013

Whoa, you're walking!

Today when I picked you up from Gammy's she told me you walked from the middle of the floor to the recliner!!! Then once we got to the apartment you did a few more times throughout the night! It is so amazing to watch you step out without holding onto anything. I just want to cheer for you every time you take brave steps. It won't be long now until you are chasing your brother and we are chasing you! Let the fun begin!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pulling An All Nighter

I am in bed praying for a good night's sleep for all! Last night you cried and cried and had a very sleepless night. I held you and every time I tried to put you to bed you were hysterical. I ended up sitting in the recliner with you all night. We could not figure out if it was teething or your tummy bothering you. You would sleep in my arms for a bit and then adjust your position and snooze a bit more.  Then you got upset and wanted down.  When I put you down you had a tantrum and then laid on the floor legs folded, tummy down. That is how you sleep the rest of the night because I was not about to disturb the peace by trying to take you to bed.  I barely moved and didn't raise the recliner afraid of waking you. I hate seeing you in pain and upset.  It's especially hard right now since you can't tell us what's wrong.  It touched my heart how you wanted your mommy.  I love taking care of my boys. Thankfully you had a good day and it is 11:28 pm and so far you are sleeping peacefully. I love you and will always be here for you! Sweet dreams my precious boy!!!    On a side note it is so exciting to watch you walk holding our hands or the furniture. You are standing by yourself without holding on to anything more and more. It won't be long and you will be walking! You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and clap and move to the music.  On Monday I took you to the doctor for your cough. You had a virus and needed nebulizer treatments. You weigh 23 pounds 12 ounces. You are such a good eater! You love green beans!  You also love to stand at Mimi's piano and play us a tune! You don't bang on the keys but touch them in a purposeful way. After you play you look at us ready for praise and applause.  I can see music in your future! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2013

This evening we went to our usual pumpkin patch beside Abernathy Church. Dax loved running around and you enjoyed throwing tiny pumpkins out of the boxes! You also tried to climb the pumpkin stack! It was a fun family moment and we are ready for carving!