Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Six Months and Growing

Last night I spotted your first tooth coming in! Daddy said it looked looked like two tonight! It's your two on the bottom front. You are such a happy, content baby! Everyone who watches you at church tells us how sweet you are and how much they love keeping you. One of your favorite things to do is lay with a blanket and cover your face while you kick around! I love to play Peek-a-boo with you and say "Where's Hudson?!?" You also like to take baths. I don't use a baby tub anymore, just hold you in the tub. You enjoy the freedom to kick and splash around. Each day is filled with joy watching you learn and grow.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

First Valentine's Day

This morning daddy got you and Dax ready for the day. You looked so cute in your special outfit! You spent the day at Gammy's. This evening the four of us went to dinner at Longhorn with Madge and Carl. We actually had to be out of the house because our house was being showed! After. Yummy dinner we came home and relaxed. You are the sweetest lil' guy! You are loved so much! Dax tells me to give you double hugs and kisses at night! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Poor baby! Hudson has RSV

Big brother has been sing. We took him to the doctor and they told us he has a viral cough. He missed school on Thursday and Friday. On Sunday, January 27, you woke up with a cough. I could tell you weren't feeling well. We missed church and took you to the doctor. While waiting you were a happy boy and daddy and I were laughing saying they would think we're crazy. In the end we were grateful for getting you checked out because you tested positive for RSV! The was a rough one for you. We've given you Tylenol and breathing treatments. Last Monday night was a rough night! You had a restless/ sleepless night. Daddy spent the night with you downstairs holding you. You actually had doctor revisits a couple times during the week. During last Thursday's visit (Jan. 31) we went ahead and did your six month check up. You now weigh 17 lbs. 12 oz. Today was your first day back to Gammy's. We can't wait until you are 100%! You are growing so fast! I love kissing your neck and seeing you smile! You sure do make me smile! Love you sweet Hudson!